As a working mum, I sometimes caught in a situation where I have to choose between works and responsibility being a mommy..There are time when I really have to finish my job and at the same time being at home with my son.
As I am now 22 weeks preggy, this dilemma sometimes makes me a bit worried..but..i believe there's nothing to worry about. There are lots of thing that we wouldn't know and just be positive. Therefore, i will just take it positively. It's a challenge that most of the career women face and I one of those strong, healthy, positive, career mommy in the world. with support from mr hubs insyaAllah...
As I am now 22 weeks preggy, this dilemma sometimes makes me a bit worried..but..i believe there's nothing to worry about. There are lots of thing that we wouldn't know and just be positive. Therefore, i will just take it positively. It's a challenge that most of the career women face and I one of those strong, healthy, positive, career mommy in the world. with support from mr hubs insyaAllah...
For those who sometimes had a same feeling with share your tips please..kite sharing2 k.
aku nie..ade chance nak jadik cam gambar kat bawah nie..huhuhu

source : mr google
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