Tuesday, June 18, 2013

I Resigned again!

It was always my dream to be stay at home mom..to see my lovely grown up and being a good muslim..to see them wake up in smiling and come back from school laughing out loud knowing mommy's waiting at home with food and love..

And..thank you Allah for allowing this to happen.Alhamdulillah for your rezeki..syukran for the bless life we have..Alhamdulillah..

I have resigned for the 2nd time in 2013.never thought it will be this early as i planned to be SAHM by 2015 when my 1st boy will be in std 1.Only Allah knows when is the most right time.human plans and only Allah knows the best!

I'm waiting patiently until this 28th june and that would be my my last 9-6 job insyaaAllah..does not mean i'll be sitting happily at home because i'm sure i'll rock the house..for sure more sweat and more exercise daily!

Alhamdulillah Allah.I'm grateful for whatever plan that YOU have for me..

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