Friday, July 12, 2013

DIY Project: Painting

Project painting..a log awaited project that i wish to complete on my own.simply because i personally think a personal touch is more meaningful to my home.yeah it takes me more than a year to accomplish it but now it's completed...and will be continue

Showing you some tools that will be required. A brush, a paint, paint plate, staircase or long stick for higher wall.

Prework and method that i used. I cover the edges of ceiling,switch and door edges using a masking tape..purposely to ensure the painting will not spill to unwanted area. Finishing the prework,I painted the wall zig-zag. Thin layer paint covering the area and then following the 2nd and 3rd layer. For me i only make 2 layers as the wall already look evenly painted.
 As easy as that. :D my tips:
1.use long stick rather than stairs(not tiring)
2.use old mat/cardboard rather than newsaper as a floor cover.newspaper will easily moved(full force fan) and flowing.
3.quickly clean area splashed with paint with wet towel.dont wait till the paint dry.
4.paint with smile :D

Hope it'll helps.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Mother loves to compare :D

Raising two active heroes always make me feel happy and grateful. since the heroes are 3 years difference,it's kind of a habit for me to compare or i can say presume on what will no 2 action at certain situation as compared to no 1,three years back.

Hubby and me also tend to compare them in term of physical development and progress but we keep it for 2 of us only.we understand both have their own profile and definitely we support them for what ever they are. Most importantly as a parents we have always highlight to them their similarities to make them feel connected as well as developing teamwork and learning to share. We do believe the most important thing for siblings is to take care of each other and love as a family.

There are times this two heroes will fight with each other..there'll be time they tried to get our best attention and show us something so that we praise this point of time,as a parents it is very important to be fair and did not show support to only a parents,we resolve things and teach them to come back to family thingy.remind them of the teamwork,caring,sharing and love to each another.

But there's one thing that cant help to compare and share here.No 1 use to bring small car in his hand wherever he went to.he once tried to bring 2 cars but when we said "only one toy" he'll let go one car and survive well with only one..but my no 2,he also loves car and..he loves to bring more than one car in his tiny hands..when we said "only one car" he'll shout us back and keep on bringing 3 cars instead..sometimes 4!one right hand,one left hand,one left armpit,one right armpit!! This no 2,when he said no..means no.i cant discuss with him.he wants to be the all time. Huhu this is what i concerned's a good quality to have in this tough situation.however he has to be guided so it will make him success..

Lot more need to be learned to be a good i will be work at home mom,parenting tips and patience are the key things i have to improved on.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

I Resigned again!

It was always my dream to be stay at home see my lovely grown up and being a good see them wake up in smiling and come back from school laughing out loud knowing mommy's waiting at home with food and love..

And..thank you Allah for allowing this to happen.Alhamdulillah for your rezeki..syukran for the bless life we have..Alhamdulillah..

I have resigned for the 2nd time in 2013.never thought it will be this early as i planned to be SAHM by 2015 when my 1st boy will be in std 1.Only Allah knows when is the most right time.human plans and only Allah knows the best!

I'm waiting patiently until this 28th june and that would be my my last 9-6 job insyaaAllah..does not mean i'll be sitting happily at home because i'm sure i'll rock the house..for sure more sweat and more exercise daily!

Alhamdulillah Allah.I'm grateful for whatever plan that YOU have for me..

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Belum cuba belum tahu

cabaran dan rintangan,jika tak pernah kita cuba untuk hadapinya,pasti kita tak tahu mampukah kita untuk menghadapinya bukan?

perkara yang tidak pernah dilakukan,jika langsung tidak cuba kita fikir untuk lakukan,pasti akan kekal misteri selagi tidak kita cuba try test bukan?

begitulah dengan kerja saya sekarang.tidak pernah terlintas difikiran saya akan bekerja dalam bidang pengeluaran,jadi pekerja kilang (hee dont get me wrong,i dont see kerja kilang badly),and buat electrical/software design???

tapi,begitulah aturan qada dan qadar Allah yang telah tertulis di luh mahfuz bahawa saya ditakdirkan disini,melakukan pekerjaan yang tidak pernah saya sangka akan lakukan,melakukan tugasan yang cukup mencabar minda saya.

saya ada dua pilihan samada untuk putus asa ataupun untuk sahut cabaran ini?jadi saya pilih untk terus mencuba tidak kira sekuat mana cabarannya,sehebat mana rintangannya..pasti ada seribu hikmah atas penghijrahan saya ini..InsyaaAllah

terima kasih Allah kerna rezki yang kau berikan kepadaku..kepada keluargaku..kepada ibubapaku..Amin.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

I Resigned!

I was always thinking how good to work near home. I can save time,money,travel expenses,stress level and many more beautiful plans ahead.

I did pass a CV to a friend of mine after almost 2 weeks he requested for it. To my surprise, i pass the CV on thursday, and i was called for interview a week later.

I went for interview on 27 January. Monday. It was Thaipusam replacement holiday and lucky enough,scomi took the replacement holiday. Interview i would say doesn't went that well. i dont really speak up but i tell them the truth the reason I want the job is because it is near to my house.honestly.

I came out from the interview with views that I wont get the job plus my expected salary is beyond their budget.(maybe scomi is paying me too much??Alhamdulillah for the rizki). I dont feel fact i feel good i have given it a try and I know my current job is still the job i love to do.

I suddenly get a call on Friday saying that I was successfull. Husband was too.It was so unexpected! i'm going to work near home soon.

So I tendered a resignation.I gave 1 month notice and my last day will be tomorrow, 6th March 2013 after 7 years of service with scomi, my first job.

I'm going to do different thing and I really hope it will add value to my skills and experience.

It's really hard for me to say good bye coz I never meant to say bye bye..